
Showing posts from February, 2017

well, hello!

Happy New Year! I'm ecstatic to start my 2017, just like the other new years. :D It gives me the feeling that I can choose anything I want to do this year! same as last years lol. Of course planning is the easiest part. Executing is well, hmmm. There's this guy named Procastination that's always in front of me. haha. So let's do the easiest ones first. Step 1. REVIEW THE PAST. Check all outdated stuff, old receipts, smelly stuff, molded stuff, OUT. Scan previous blogs, and repost if I still have the heart. LOL. Re-read old planners, organizers, and see what has been done, if it was all worth it and should i do it again? Step 2. CHECK THE PRESENT. This is the part where disorientation is an advantage. Asking these questions would appear healthy. Where am I? errr. Who am I? Crispin? Basilio? What are you to me? haha. How did I arrive here? by bus? by train? by mrt? with wings :) Step 3. GEAR UP FOR THE FUTURE. Take a piece of paper and pen. Ipad