
Showing posts from February, 2018

Having Zekariah

Having a baby was the last thing on my mind since I got off after 7 years working my ass off. I was planning so much of working part time and traveling big time. But then life has a funny way of giving you surprises! Early 2015 we found out we were pregnant. We had to do the manual P-test and the digital P-test plus the doctor's confirmation just to make sure it's real. Oh ya! Then I felt sad. I won't lie. I really felt sad. I do not know what to do. How can I take care of a little human being? How am I going to deliver it? I've never ever been confined in a hospital. How am I going to work? I am having a high risk pregnancy because of my age. So I promised myself, I have to take it one day at a time. True enough, I was getting well so far. I was pregnant but I was still working and travelling to and fro. I was so happy the little bundle of joy in my tummy is very cooperative in all my activities. My pregnancy tests went normal so far and I was