Having Zekariah

Having a baby was the last thing on my mind since I got off after 7 years working my ass off.
I was planning so much of working part time and traveling big time.
But then life has a funny way of giving you surprises!

Early 2015 we found out we were pregnant. We had to do the manual P-test and the digital P-test plus the doctor's confirmation just to make sure it's real. Oh ya!

Then I felt sad.
I won't lie.
I really felt sad.

I do not know what to do.

How can I take care of a little human being?
How am I going to deliver it?
I've never ever been confined in a hospital.

How am I going to work?
I am having a high risk pregnancy because of my age.

So I promised myself, I have to take it one day at a time.

True enough, I was getting well so far.
I was pregnant but I was still working and travelling to and fro.

I was so happy the little bundle of joy in my tummy is very cooperative in all my activities.
My pregnancy tests went normal so far and I was practicing breathing exercises to help me through the big day.

But one fine day, my doctor just said, I'm surprised the head is not where it should be.
What do you mean?

I went for an ultrasound for a confirmation and well, he is now going to be a breech baby!One morning while I was preparing for my weekly OB visit to schedule my caesarian delivery, I was slightly bleeding and was rushed to her clinic instead.

She recommended us to go and check into the hospital as I may be delivering anytime soon.
I remember myself asking her if we can wait to check in by tomorrow since my husband is only arriving by tomorrow from Singapore.

She laughed and said it has to be now!

So me and my cousin drove off to the hospital and went to the emergency room casually, telling the staff I am about to deliver. hehehe.
supposed to be malling but have to go to the hospital. bummer! lol.

After a few hours, I was in pain with slight contractions, but conditioned my mind that this should be over soon.
My OB arrived and organized everything, and excitingly told me I am experiencing labour pains  but will still be in surgery. I got confused by what she meant but was too dazed to figure it out.
After a few tests (i swear the skin test was the beast of all!) I was ready to be ripped open.

I was conscious during the whole process, and overly conscious of the number of people around me.
After a few more hours I heard a slight laugh from the staff and then a loud cry.

I knew it, he’s out!

They brought him near to me and I was able to kiss him, before they took him away to the NICU.

I was a bit in tears. One, I was not able to hold him for long. Two, I was in deep pain and cannot move much. And three, I am not sure what his condition was at the NICU, I’m sure he needs me.

The Zekariah!
I woke up in a recovery room and received the message that he is ok and just needs to stay first in the NICU.

So the journey begins.


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