memory stamp: kucci

one of the fondest memories i had with Kucci was taking her out for a ride, with the vehicle windows open.
i could see her happiest on those moments, taking all the wind and enjoying every single ride.

she was one of the reasons i always come home early or drop by at lunch just to see how she's doing.
everyday was such a wonderful day with her.

when she was very young, she got sick and was hanging on to dear life when we decided to call on the vet.
she was given some shots and meds and after a few days, she was looking a bit better.

growing up she was a very funny dog, who easily gets scared even with her own shadow.
often times it happens when she enters a room and suddenly sees something "dark" on one side - be it a big bag, luggage, garbage can or just a bunch of "saba" bananas, she would freak out and barks at it endlessly with matching fur show off. she would never get close to the thing and if you lift and take her nearer to it, she would ten times furreak out!

she was also very picky with her food. she loveeed boiled peanuts (she steals them from the coffee table and manages to open it!), pomelo, apples, fish but doesn't like pork and banana much.

i remember the day when she was delivering her first puppies, i knew she was in pain as she was looking at me all the time, but i assisted her until she pushed out her fifth cute pup.
she was a cute mom - to Chikki, her first born.

when i got a job outside cebu, leaving her was the hardest thing.
sometimes when i think of her it always brings tears to my eyes.
em always laugh at me on that sight but i can't help it, so i join him laughing with tears in my eyes.
Kucci was a very popular dog, as she was very Japanese-Spitz white, cute with black button eyes and an always wagging red tongue.
even at work everyone knows her, and who doesn't?
her photo was posted on my desk.

when the news reached me that she passed away on one new year's eve
i was devastated.

Kucci was a dear dog to me, as well as Chikki.
even to this day, when i think of them - it still brings tears to my eyes :(

but yes, life begins and ends.
i am just grateful i had her even for just a short time.


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