haze head on

the haze psi level has gone down but we are still not too complacent of what might come up later today.
but this morning, em and i decided to do our usual Seletar reservoir brekkie amidst   the lurking haze nearby. 
we bought our usual $4 packet, usually with noodles, maling (luncheon meat!), sunny side up egg and a couple of chicken nuggets. we added a bottle of Mirinda, Starbucks Frap bottle and Mineral water. Inside my picnic bag - a pack of hotdog buns, Belcube cheddar cheese, mini St Dalfour blackcurrant spread, Sunchips!, some lemonsito and one orange fruit.
brekky in the woods
We laid everything in our usual concrete bench facing the reservoir. 
Em took out his X-mini Speakers and blasted Y101FM through 3G.
while i am blogging now, em is relaxing with music blaring.
as we wait for the noon sun to consume the shade we have, then we know it's time to pack up and go. 
i rested my hand thinking of what to write next and then suddenly.
an indian guy went near us with plastic bags in hand, went past us then headed to the water. he then threw those into the water! 
em and i were looking nervously at each other when the guy pulled his hands together in a prayer pose. twice.
and left without looking back.
when he was out of sight em hurriedly checked it out and found nothing but a bagful of garbage!? or not.
whatever it is, why did he pray for it? is he feeding something in the waters?
the S reservoir


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