Happy New Year! - still alive and kickin'

Vancouver skies on birth day
I just turned a year older yesterday and was asked what my birthday wish was, I blurted out -World Peace. Funny how it sounded so Miss-Universely-like but I really mean it. World Peace of Mind as well.

My small family
This pandemic has sent us scrambling in all directions of panic, fear, judgment, and uncertainty. I had to say we were a bit prepared for this.

Since last year - early 2019, we plunged into an adventure that is so risky we left everything we built for so many years. There were a lot of doubts, fears, and comments we had to take with a grain of salt.

Why this?
Why that?

I had no answer except - "...because I wanted to. ...because we wanted to." I wanted so bad to invent a reasonable reason just to make it sound logical for everyone I spoke to. Maybe say,  I didn't like my job back then - which is not true. or maybe because Singapore is not a good place for us - which is also not true. I just can't - I just can't say something not true. So I just say because I think Canada is a nice place, which is true. Sure, any place can have its advantages and disadvantages but I don't really mind those, I adapt very quickly. I know that the grass is always greener on the other side but it should be greener on your side if you tend to it too. Perception - it always is the case.

Anyway, I am happy to be a year older. Age is something that doesn't bother me. I see some really old aged people I can happily chat with and some really younger people thrice my age I find fun to be around with. It's the connection that matters most.

For this year, I do wish for myself clarity, humor, and good health. Clarity to find solutions to any challenge, Humor on any day, and Good health to enjoy the years I have left here, on earth. I wish for the simplest things now. I am almost over the phase where I overreact to the slightest provocation. I think Vancouver has helped me bring down my defenses. I see nature everywhere and I cannot help but think - all the trees and mountains have been there even before I was born, yet they stand tall and grace any weather - even in winter, spring, summer, fall. Thank you for the inspiration. And to my support group who is always there for me, cheers to you!

What a wonderful thing it is to be alive. :*
thank you.


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